Friday, December 31, 2010

A Drawer Full of Memories

A drawer full of memories, you know the one that has all the cards, photos and memorabilia from family and friends. I bet most of you will find at least one flower pressed in between pages of a photo album or favorite book. That one pressed flower, marked the day of a momentous occasion in a loved one’s life that has been passed down through generations within the family. Call it old fashioned, call it too sentimental, but in the scheme of our hectic lives it is the shared memories that remain a part of us.

With today’s knowledge and technology you do not need to find that one brown flower pressed between the pages or hang the bridal bouquet upside down in hopes that the inevitable deterioration of your flowers does not happen. Most wedding flowers can be preserved with only slight changes to the color and shape and designed in a frame or encasement will last many years in a normal household environment.

The key is to arrange for the flower preservationist to receive your bouquet as fresh as possible; therefore, it is recommended that you make preserving your bouquet part of the wedding plans and budget. The flower preservationist can assist you in determining what flowers preserve the best, assist with the keepsake selection and if needed arrange for courier services. The keepsake options vary and are endless. You may preserve only the bouquet, just a few flowers with a photo or invitation or include wedding items such as the champagne flutes, tiara etc. You may want the flowers redesigned as a contemporary art piece, the choice is all yours.

The cost of preserving your flowers is typically a very small percentage of the total cost of the wedding and wedding flowers. Also, there are smaller keepsakes that make beautiful gifts for the mothers and the wedding party. One special note, please do not freeze your bouquet; this is a mistake that destroys the flowers.

One of my most treasured keepsake pieces is a keepsake box with preserved anniversary flowers and cards my husband gave me throughout the years, too bad I don’t have my wedding flowers. The quote on the anniversary card “Memories bring back the beauty of wonderful moments shared.” This beautiful keepsake will always decorate my home and my heart.

The variety, colors and fragrances of flowers create an unforgettable essence of your wedding day. How sad that flowers from such an important day is lost unnecessarily.

Contact Deb’s Keepsake Flowers 305-385-9920

Your Bouquet Forever Yours! Don’t Toss It, Preserve It!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Flower Preservation, so confusing! This is the Real Scoop!

OK, Let's talk, I know the whole deal about preserving your bridal bouquet is confusing. so here is the real scoop. Sorry, there are no fairies, magic wands nor one magical machine that preserves the flowers just as Mother Nature created.

Before we go any further I want you to know me, Deb. Yes. that's me the one with the big brown eyes and a posy in my hair. I love, love flowers and I love, love art, so when I was a wee bit younger(if only I was as young as my avatar). Sorry, let's get back to flower preservation. Almost twenty years ago I decided it was a good idea to start a flower preservation biz and with my good luck my hubby had a background in science. We had all the ingredients to start the flower preservation biz. Yea! It has been almost twenty years of doing something I love and I consider myself a pro.

Let's make this as simple as possible, because flower preservation is not that much of a mystery.

You probably have heard the words:

  • Preserved flowers

  • Freeze-dried flowers

  • Dried flowers

Now you are confused and thinking that these are all different concepts. Guess what, all preserved, freeze-dried or dried flowers are flowers that have the water extracted, although there are different techniques to remove the moisture. Also, the moisture in flowers should be removed as quickly and effectively as possible to deter the mold process and to maintain the basic cellular structure as much as possible.

This is a few preserving techniques:

  • Pressed

  • Air dry

    • Freeze- Dried

    • Sand vac

    • Drying with Desiccants- Silica Gel

    • Microwave

    • Glycerin.

    Now for the results! There is definitely a difference result with pressed flowers, obliviously the flowers are flattened and not kept their whole shape. Also, I know the big buzz word is freeze -dried, but honestly with a good floral preservationist the results between silica gel, sand vac and freeze-dried is very minute, if at all any notable difference.


      Freezing will destroy the flowers
      • Hairspray does not preserve flowers, hairspray may for a time protect the dryed flowers from moisture.
      • DO CONTACT A FLOWER PRESERVATION PRIOR TO THE WEDDING. The fresher the flowers the better the results.
      • REGARDLESS OF THE PRESERVATION TECHNIQUES ALL FLOWERS WILL CHANGE SOMEWHAT. The flower preservationist will be able to tell you about the slight changes in color and size.
      • Part of preservation is to design the bouquet in a protective frame or glass encasement. Mother Nature likes to recycle, but in normal household conditions your bouquet should last a lifetime in a sealed and protected in a frame..
      • FLORIST ARE NOT FLOWER PRESERVATIONIST. Your florist may be able to recommend a floral preservationist.
      • MOST TRADITIONAL WEDDING FLOWERS DO NOT FARE WELL USING THE AIR DRY METHOD. Most flowers including orchids, lilies and roses will turn brown, mold and fall apart. The water must be extracted from the flowers quickly and efficiently to maintain the flowers shape and color as close as possible.
      • Regardless of the preservation technique, the best and most effective method is to take the bouquet apart and preserve the flowers separately.
      • It is advisable that a floral preservationist be proficit in several preserving techniques due to the fact many flowers may require a specific preservation method best suited for that particular flower.
      • Some types of flowers may need color enhancement and petal reinforcement.
      • A good flower preservationist is also an artist creating a art piece according to your specifications and style. YOUR FLOWERS MAY BE TRANSFORMED INTO A CONTEMPORARY ART PIECE OR A TRADITIONAL KEEPSAKE HEIRLOOM.
      • Floral preservation experts typically have access to special frames and glass cases that will accommodate the size and shape of a bouquet.
      • Wedding items such as the invitation, photos, the garter, the champagne glasses are just few of the items that may be included in your keepsake.
      • Prices to preserve your beautiful bouquet will vary depending on your frame or case selection. You may select to have just a few flowers, just the bouquet or include many of the wedding mementos. Generally the cost of preserving your flowers is relatively very low given lifetime of enjoyment.

      For more information please contact us and check out FAQ's:

      Now that you know more about preserving your bouquet. Make preserving beautiful flowers part of your wedding plans. You can have your flowers for a lifetime of enjoyment, so why not?

      Hope to hear from you.

      Congrats and Best Wishes.


      Saturday, August 7, 2010

      Make Your Memories Last with Creative Art and Heirlooms!

      Deb's Keepsake Flowers creates Art For The Heart, transforming your Flowers, Bridal Bouquets and cherished mementos into works of art.

      Our hearts are filled with precious moments with beautiful flowers and keepsakes. The bridal bouquet, the first tree planted at a new home, the tiny bracelet on a newborn, the baptism gown, the rose received for Mother's Day, a locket from a loved one past. These are treasured jewels that are often forgotten and hidden in the attic, drawers or closets.

      The bridal bouquet can be preserved and designed in beautiful frame or case with wedding mementoes such as your invitation, photos, garter, champagne glasses. Your flowers and wedding items are custom designed according to your personal style. You may choose to preserve the entire bouquet or just a few of the flowers. Personal gifts made with wedding flowers are a delightful surprise for Mothers and the Maid of Honor. There are numerous options for displaying wedding flowers and keepsakes.

      The thrill of a new home is often enhanced by the lust landscape. How unique to add a stunning work of art to your home or office decor with your favorite foliage and flowers from your garden.

      Your favorite foliage, flowers and artifacts
      can be skillfully designed into stunning works
      of art.

      The birth of a child, the memories of one lost is part of our heart and soul and how sad to have the treasured little shoes, birth announcement, rosaries, greeting cards, photos, jewelry etc hidden in drawers, attics and closets.

      Why not make our precious keepsakes
      part of our daily lifes as beautiful heirlooms?

      Visit Deb's Keepsake Flowers, Inc.

      Contact Us:

      305-385-9920 800-996-3151

      Sunday, January 24, 2010

      Flower Preservation "The Secret"

      Our specialty is creating Art For The Heart, transforming your Flowers, Bridal Bouquets and cherished mementoes into works of art.

      Imagine a wedding without flowers! No, A wedding without flowers we just can't imagine. Now imagine how elated brides are to know that their bouquets can be transformed into a beautiful, timeless heirloom.

      "I am interested in this floral preserving! I am curious as to how it works. I've never heard of this before. This is awesome!

      This was the comment from a lucky bride that found out that she can preserve her bouquet.

      Sadly, many brides miss the opportunity to preserve their bouquet either because they have never heard of the service or they do not know where to find a flower preservatist. It is often mistaken that the florist can preserve flowers, this usually is not the case, flower preservation is a specialized field totally seperate from being a florist. Although, the florist may be able to recommend a preservationist in your area.

      Preserving the bouquet should be included as part of the wedding plans as this will ensure that the flowers are received in good condition soon after the ceremony. Remember the results of the flower preservation depend greatly on the quality and freshness of the bouquet. It is amazing that many brides place their bouquets in the freezer thinking that freezing their flowers will safeguard them until they return from the honeymoon..No, No the freezer will destroy fresh flowers, just as if you would place a fresh salad in the freezer. This blunder along with other flower damaging techniques or misguided information could be avoided when you consult a specialist prior to the wedding.

      A crucial part of preservation is to seal and protect your flowers in a frame or glass case. Many brides want their preserved bouquet to be displayed outside a sealed enclosure." Granted, this is a nice idea, nevertheless, exposing your bouquet to environmental conditions will unfortunately accelerate flower deterioration. Your bouquet displayed in a keepsake frame or case under normal household conditions will last for many years.. A beautiful heirloom can be created with your bouquet and wedding memorabilia such as invitations, photos, favors & etc.

      Often times flower preservations will provide the cleaning and preservation of wedding gowns as authorizated dealers for gown preservation companies. In other words they can be a one stop shopping for your preservation needs.

      Yes, your wedding bouquet that you carried down the aisle can be a beautiful addition to your home for years of enjoyment.

      Deb's Keepsake Flowers
      Flower Preservation & More
      Preserving Memories Since 1992

      Custom framing & Encasing Memorabilia for all Occasions.
      An authorization dealer for The Wedding
      Gown Preservation Company

      Contact: 305-385-9920 800-996-3151